6 Yoga Poses That Alleviate Menstrual Cramps


Alternative pain management has become quite popular in today’s society. Rather than taking an over-the-counter pain reliever, many people opt out for natural remedies. For menstrual-related pain, exercise has become a popular coping tool. A common physical activity that does a great job alleviating menstrual cramps is yoga. Here are 6 yoga poses to try during your next menstrual cycle:


Photo Source: Pexels

Photo Source: Pexels

1. Child’s Pose: This is an easy pose that is perfect for any yoga newbie. The child’s pose should target the menstrual pain felt in your back. Make sure to stretch your lower back muscles and relax your hips to make sure the pose does its job in relieving the pain.


Photo Source: Pexels

Photo Source: Pexels

2. Pigeon Pose: If you find that your hips carry a lot of the stress from menstrual cramps the pigeon pose may be the one for you. The pose helps stretch and ease the pain in your hips. For the best outcome, hold the pose for several breaths and then switch legs. Repeat the stretch five to ten times on each side. Pro tip: The pose should not be painful, so if it does feel painful you can try to modify it to make it more comfortable for you.


Photo Source: Pexels

Photo Source: Pexels

3. Seated Forward Fold: The benefits of the seated forward fold pose are that it opens the back and massages the internal organs, perfect for back and lower abdominal pain. While you stretch, take a few deep breaths. Make sure to sit on a block or blanket if you have a tight lower back.


Photo Source: Pexels

Photo Source: Pexels

4. Corpse Pose: The corpse pose is another easy one for new beginners since you literally just lie flat on your back. This pose is less about the stretching and more about relaxation and mindfulness. It’s about focusing your mind to overcome the menstrual pain you are feeling or any other burden on your mind. Also, the pose evens your breathing, which also helps distract the mind from menstrual pain.

Photo Source: Pexels

Photo Source: Pexels

5. Bow Pose: This pose is a little harder than the other poses on this list and you should not practice the pose if you have a low-back or neck injury or have low or high blood pressure. However, if this is a pose you can do, it would be beneficial because it stretches the whole front of the body, which eases cramps and bloating. Make sure to breathe softly, hold the pose for 15 to 20 seconds and slowly lower your thighs before letting go of the ankles when you decide to release the pose.


Photo Source: Pexels

Photo Source: Pexels

6. Forward Fold: The forward fold pose is simple, but it has many benefits as well. Just standing up and not lying in bed all day can make blood circulation easier. It also relieves pain in the neck area, hamstrings, inner thighs, calves and back. It’s also just good practice and self-care to stretch every morning or night and this simple stretch is doable for most people.


Remember, these poses should not be painful, so be safe when practicing yoga. Make sure to consult your own doctor or a specialist to make sure yoga is a good fit for you and your health. No solution is one size fits all, so it’s important to have that discussion with your doctor and discover what works for you.




·  Yoga Magazine. (2014). Period Yoga.



·  Moreland OB-GYN. 5 of the Best Yoga Poses for Menstrual Cramps.



·  Shape. The Best Yoga Poses for PMS and Cramps.



·  INTIMINA. (2020). Yoga for Period Cramps: 5 Poses for Natural Pain Relief.


·  NDTV. (2016). 6 Yoga Poses for Women to Get Relief From Menstrual Cramps.
