Posts tagged advocacy
How Discussing Periods with Boys Can Help End Period Poverty & Period Shaming

One in five of the women were made to feel shamed due to comments made by a male friend. Out of the 500 men that were surveyed 44% have admitted to making jokes about or commenting on a partner’s mood when she was on her period. To make matters worse, 51% of the men studied believe that women openly mentioning their menstrual cycles in the workplace is inappropriate.

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How to Plan a Period Packing Party

Period poverty is a global sanitation issue faced by females and males around the world. More than 800 million people menstruate daily, so it’s safe to say that a shortage of period supplies and menstrual hygiene education can be considered a human rights issue. Advocating for menstrual equity is essential in order to support so many people globally and you can help right from the comfort of your own home.

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