Posts tagged reusable
Why You Should Make the Switch to Reusable Menstruation Products

To be honest, I wasn’t very keen on the idea of reusable menstrual products. In the past, I thought that they were unsanitary and that they could cause health risks. Present-day, I have become more aware of global issues and the need to live more sustainably. In my quest to learn about unnecessary waste, I discovered that the average woman uses about 240 each year and 9,600 over a woman’s lifetime. This information was pretty eye-opening for me, so I went ahead and did my own research on reusable menstruation products. Not only did I find out that many of the things I thought I knew about reusable menstrual products were misconceptions, but there are also many advantages from using them. Here are some of the benefits of using reusable menstrual products:

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