5 Things That Can Impact Your Period
Have you noticed any random changes to your menstrual cycle? Maybe you should take into account any recent lifestyle alterations you’ve made. Our periods require so much of our attention and they can be mentally and physically draining, so the last thing we want is for our periods to be out of whack. Here are 5 everyday things that could be affecting your period:
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1. Lack of Proper Sleep: Irregular sleeping patterns can affect your hormones, which can impact ovulation and menstruation. Not getting proper sleep can also affect your melatonin levels, which impacts the regulation of your menstrual cycle. People who usually have irregular sleeping patterns are working irregular hours. If you are working the night shift and you find it hard to sleep in the day, doctors have suggested earplugs and blackout curtains.
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2. Stress: Stress is a common reason for the timing of your period to be thrown off. When you are under stress, whether it’s physical, emotional or mental, it puts out stress hormones. There is no one solution to stop being stressed, but the first step can be to locate the source of the stress and go from there. It can be work, school, a relationship, etc. When your stress levels even out, your period should as well.
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3. Smoking & High Alcohol Intake: According to Tobacco Control, smoking cigarettes can cause chronic dysmenorrhea, painful menstruation that typically involves abdominal cramps. Also, excessive alcohol intake can shift your hormone levels and your overall menstrual cycle. It’s important to learn your body and recognize what is normal for you so that any changes will be noticeable. If you spot any changes, check in with your doctor.
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4. Diet: If you are trying out a new diet or not eating the normal amount you usually eat; it can lead to an irregular period. If you are not getting enough calories in your diet, your period can go away for a little bit. If you gain weight, it can lead to a heavy and frequent menstrual cycle. Overall, it can be pretty unpredictable, so it would benefit you to speak with your doctor to get to the root of the issue if you think your diet is affecting your period.
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5. Too Much Exercise: Has your period lightened or stopped altogether? Maybe it’s because you are exercising too much. Excessive exercise increases stress on your body and since your body needs a certain amount of body fat to ovulate, it can lead to skipping periods or light periods. Try to lessen the intensity of your workouts or take an extra rest day from exercise to get your period back on track.
These are only a few everyday things that can mess with your period. There are definitely many other factors that can play a part in changing your menstrual cycle. If you find that your period has changed, check in with your doctor to find the source of the problem and to figure out the best way to regulate it.